Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Recipient and Donor Spotlight: Elizabeth Valentine-Adler

 In 2014, Elizabeth Valentine-Adler experienced childbirth complications with her son, Sam, and lost a significant amount of blood, requiring a blood transfusion.

"I had just had my third baby and had two other little boys at home that needed me to recover, come home, love and take care of them,” said Elizabeth. “I couldn't believe how incredibly weak and awful I felt before the transfusion when all I wanted was to be cuddling and bonding with my new baby.”

Prior to needing blood, Elizabeth never thought of those on the receiving end of blood donations. Halfway through her transfusion she felt like a brand-new person. “I told myself at some point down the road I would give blood as a way of giving back,” she said.

Now, seven years after her transfusion, she is donating blood for others and is encouraging other people to think of people like her who count on donations.

“I am so thankful for the generosity of blood donors who allowed me to get better,” she said. “Your commitment and willingness to take the time is lifesaving.”

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