Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Letter from Northeast Tennessee Executive Director, Glenda Bobalik - March 2018

March is Red Cross Month!  Join me in celebrating the services provided in Northeast Tennessee by the dedicated volunteers and staff that are the Red Cross for our communities.

Each year, the president of the United States proclaims March "Red Cross Month." We use this opportunity to thank our supporters, increase public awareness and consideration of Red Cross’ mission and drive contributions.

In 1943, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued the first Presidential Proclamation of March as Red Cross Month -- “I request that during that month (March) our people rededicate themselves to the splendid aims and activities of the Red Cross.”

On March 1, 2018, President Donald Trump proclaimed March as Red Cross month stating, “Since Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross in 1881, the organization has provided domestic disaster relief, assisted in international disaster relief, and supported the United States military in countless ways.  Today, it is a renowned, life saving force, supported by hundreds of thousands of volunteers and responsible for ensuring our Nation’s blood supply is always at safe and sufficient levels.  The American Red Cross also provides training and preparedness programs for Americans in safety-related fields and helps to connect our Nation’s military service members with their families.  During American Red Cross Month, we honor the organization’s humanitarian mission, as well as its hard-working staff, dedicated volunteers, and generous supporters, whose donations are vital to sustaining the organization’s operations.”

Each of us has a story about why we are a part of the Red Cross.  For me, it is a kaleidoscope of pictures and memories covering the many people we have helped when hope was at its lowest point, the many volunteers and employees who give so much to help others in their community, and the giving spirit of our donors who combine with the volunteers and staff to make a difference in the lives of so many.

I remember Mary and Jack, an older couple whose home burned on a Saturday morning.  Red Cross volunteers arrived on the scene and provided the couple with kindness and compassion, as well as essentials such as blankets and food, and other life necessities that are so often taken for granted. The volunteers listened as Mary and Jack told stories of the years they had spent raising their family in this home. Through the help of volunteers, Mary and Jack knew that they were not alone during a challenging and stressful time.

What an overwhelming honor it is to be part of the team bringing hope to so many.  Take a minute and remember your stories and be proud that you are making such an impact on our community.  March is Red Cross Month and you are the Red Cross.


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