Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Letter from Mid-West Tennessee Executive Director, David Hicks - December 2017

Happy Holidays, Mid-West Tennessee team! I hope each of you are enjoying the holiday season. As this time of year usually causes me to do, I’ve been reflecting back over the past year and all the AMAZING things we’ve experienced (individually and collectively)! It’s truly been a banner year for our chapter and the services we’ve provided throughout the 14 counties in our coverage area.

We couldn’t have even begun to accomplish all this year included without the tireless work and effort of the “Coordinators” in each of the respective areas of service in our chapter! Please take a moment with me to celebrate their numerous accomplishments and commitment. They are as follows:

*Dave Brumley - Service to the Armed Forces (SAF) Coordinator
*Derrick Byrum - Logistics Coordinator
*Dawn Duke - Engagement Coordinator
*Brian Hogeland - Transportation Coordinator
*Carl Jones - Feeding Coordinator
*Chuck Mosele - “Sound the Alarm” Coordinator
*Mary Lee - Casework Coordinator
*Sandee Potter - Disaster Mental Health Coordinator
*Meaghan Smith - Disaster Action Team (DAT) Coordinator
*Travis Smith - Disaster Assessment Coordinator
*Sue Vegors - Health Services Coordinator
*Haley Warwick - Community Partnerships Coordinator
**Wendie Carlson - Leadership Board Chair

When I consider how proud this chapter makes me as an Executive Director, I also immediately think of our Disaster Action Team and all it’s members. I take tremendous pride in the work that you do- and the outstanding way in which you represent our chapter in each town and community. You are truly the “boots on the ground” and the “hands and feet” of our volunteer community. The level of commitment you demonstrate by your willingness to disrupt your individual (and family!) schedule to respond at a moment’s notice to meet the needs of those affected by disaster never ceases to amaze and impress me!

So, 2017 will be a hard act to follow because it set such a high standard for our chapter and it’s disaster response performance! However, I know that we have even more achievements in our future on behalf of the Mid- West Tennessee section of our state. Now, let’s go do even more selfless service in 2018 on behalf of the American Red Cross! Who’s with me?!

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