Monday, November 13, 2017

Letter from Mid-West Tennessee Executive Director, David Hicks - November 2017

Hello Mid-West Tennessee volunteers! Happy Thanksgiving- a little early! I hope this newsletter finds you well and things are good in each of your worlds. As we look back on the CRAZINESS of the last 2 ½ months, I want to be sure and say again how extremely proud I am of our local chapter! Our response to both the national disasters (those that deployed) and our local, ongoing responses by the disaster action team (DAT) during some chaotic weeks left me not only pleased as your executive director, but also awestruck at your resiliency and teamwork! You should be proud of yourselves and the team members around you.

As we’ve now entered the holiday season, I want us to each finish the calendar year strong in our respective roles in the chapter. I hope that each of you who has contributed so mightily in these last several weeks (both locally and nationally) will take the time to replenish your energy and recharge your batteries. You’ve earned it! If we’re going to finish the year strong and welcome in 2018 with all the effort and dedication it deserves, there is no shame in taking the next few days to slow your pace and gear up for the next round of opportunities to serve- for the sake of your own personal families and your Red Cross family.

Please take the time this month to seek out those that deployed to hear their respective stories and to gain insight and encouragement from the things they experienced while teaming up with Red Crossers from all across the nation. Some of their eyewitness accounts are so inspiring and help remind us all “why we do what we do”! While all of the volunteers stories are worthwhile, our own chapter’s Disaster Program Manager, Heather Carbajal, also deployed into a very “high maintenance” and difficult disaster response situation in the Virgin Islands (specifically St. Thomas). She represented us well and has some inspiring experiences that many of you would enjoy hearing her share.  Great job, Heather, on behalf of our chapter!  I hope all of you enjoy the holidays with your families and I look forward to seeing you around the chapter office!

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